Beauty queen survives burn marks after contracting an electric shock!


At a local pageant hosted in Michoacán, Mexicoa contestant survived an electric shock during a live event.

Andrea Granados Victorwho walked to the centre stage during the national costume round, reached out for the microphone to brief about her outfit when the unfortunate incident occurred.

Soon as she grabbed the microphone, it was evident something was wrong; electrical volts coursed through her body. “She’s getting electrocuted, she’s getting electrocuted!” yelled the master of ceremonies in shocking footage that went viral.

In the video, the 22-year-old contestant struggles to yank the microphone while spinning backwards, eventually liberating herself from the faulty device.

The event was halted while medics swarmed Andrea, but thankfully she only sustained burns to the hand in which she grasped the mike. Nevertheless, many fans took to the internet and criticized the organizers for the lack of safety and poor preparation that almost led to severe consequences for the contestant.

Meanwhile, after the pageant resumed, Andrea took to the stage. “I came back recharged — literally, hahaha,” she quipped on her return to a standing ovation and loud cheer.

“Thank God, everything is fine. I want to share with you that after undergoing some medical tests, I can say that I feel fine. Thank God, it did not go beyond a burn,” she added. However, the show went, but Andrea did not win the title.


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