Concerned about Taliban banning women from universities: India | India News


NEW DELHI: India expressed concern over the Taliban ban on university education for women in Afghanistan saying it has consistently supported the cause of female education in the country. The government also reiterated the importance of the establishment of an inclusive and representative government that respects the rights of all.
“We have noted with concern the reports in this regard. India has consistently supported the cause of female education in Afghanistan. We have emphasised the importance of the establishment of an inclusive and representative government that respects the rights of all Afghans and ensures the equal rights of women and girls to participate in all aspects of Afghan society, including access to higher education,” said the ministry of external affairs spokesperson.
“I would also recall UN Security Council Resolution 2593, which reaffirms the importance of upholding human rights including those of women and also calls for full, equal and meaningful participation of women,” he added.
Several countries, including the US, Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Japan and the United Kingdom, have strongly condemned the Taliban’s decisions to ban women from universities.
The UNSC resolution 2593, adopted on August 30 last year under India’s presidency of the global body, talked about the need for upholding human rights in Afghanistan, and demanded that Afghan territory should not be used for terrorism and that a negotiated political settlement should be found to the crisis. tnn


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