Health board funds directed through city | News, Sports, Jobs


SALEM — The Salem Health District will no longer have funding dispersed through the county.

Health Commissioner Alanna Hughes Wednesday announced in her report to the Salem health board that beginning in 2023 the department’s funding will no longer be routed through the county health district and will instead be dispersed to the city health district directly.

Hughes also said that she and Accreditation Co-Cordinator Sara Houchins will be attending a two-day grant writing training program in Toledo to prepare to pursue additional grant funding for the department in 2023, noting that increasing the amount of grant funding the department receives is one of the three goals she was given when first hired to the position.

Hughes also noted that the department was currently attempting to obtain funds from the Public Health Emergency Grant the city was entitled to that were never received from the county. She said the funds were needed for the department to create additional public health programs and conduct emergency drills and trainings.

Also discussed was Ohio House Bill 513 which is currently pending review by Gov. Mike Dewine. The proposed bill if approved will outline state-wide rules, penalties and licensing guidelines for the states Tobacco 21 law. Crucially the proposed bill also overturns all city level ordinances and resolutions regarding the law and switches the authority to enforce the law from the local to state level. Hughes noted that many action groups were pushing for Dewine to veto the bill.

Other business included the approval of a motion to approve a separation agreement with former Director of Nursing Kristin Toy following an executive session for personnel matters. The exact terms of the agreement are not determined at this time.

The board also wished everyone a merry Christmas and a safe new year.

The Board of Health will meet next at 2 p.m. Jan. 18.

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