The Karnataka Lokayukta trap, in which the son of a ruling BJP MLA was caught allegedly accepting a bribe of Rs 40 lakh in his father’s office, has snowballed into a major scandal with the watchdog announcing on Friday that it had recovered another Rs 6.1 crore in cash from lawmaker K Madal Virupakshappa. A Lokayukta officer said they were yet to ascertain the source of money and its purpose.
Raids spread over Thursday and Friday have yielded Rs 8.1 crore in cash. Following the raids and cash seizures, Channagiri MLA Virupakshappa resigned as chairman of Karnataka Soaps and Detergents Ltd by Friday noon. Virupakshappa, who has not quit as a legislator, stated: “I’ve nothing to do with the Lokayukta raid. It is a conspiracy against me and my family.” “Over Rs 3 crore cash was found stacked in the storage box of (Channagiri MLA’s son) Prashant Madal’s bed, while the remaining amount was kept in the cupboard of his master bedroom. It appeared that Prashant used to sleep on the money. All the currency notes were of Rs 500 denomination,” a Lokayukta sleuth, part of the raids, said. The sleuths had seized Rs 2 crore (including a Rs 40 lakh alleged bribe) from Madal’s office on Crescent Road in Bengaluru on Thursday. “The total amount seized from the MLA and his son in the past two days adds up to Rs 8.1 crore,” Lokayukta sleuths said, adding the cash was seized from the MLA’s office on Crescent Road, his house at Channeshpura in Davanagere district, and Prashant and his father’s residence in Dollars Colony.
Raids spread over Thursday and Friday have yielded Rs 8.1 crore in cash. Following the raids and cash seizures, Channagiri MLA Virupakshappa resigned as chairman of Karnataka Soaps and Detergents Ltd by Friday noon. Virupakshappa, who has not quit as a legislator, stated: “I’ve nothing to do with the Lokayukta raid. It is a conspiracy against me and my family.” “Over Rs 3 crore cash was found stacked in the storage box of (Channagiri MLA’s son) Prashant Madal’s bed, while the remaining amount was kept in the cupboard of his master bedroom. It appeared that Prashant used to sleep on the money. All the currency notes were of Rs 500 denomination,” a Lokayukta sleuth, part of the raids, said. The sleuths had seized Rs 2 crore (including a Rs 40 lakh alleged bribe) from Madal’s office on Crescent Road in Bengaluru on Thursday. “The total amount seized from the MLA and his son in the past two days adds up to Rs 8.1 crore,” Lokayukta sleuths said, adding the cash was seized from the MLA’s office on Crescent Road, his house at Channeshpura in Davanagere district, and Prashant and his father’s residence in Dollars Colony.
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