Personal laws, tribal traditions to be part of consultations for marriage age law tweak | India News


NEW DELHI: The parliamentary panel examining the proposed amendment to the law to raise the legal age of marriage from 18 to 21 years for girls is set to hold wider consultations on the matter and is collecting feedback on public perception and different views on the subject from various stakeholders.
It is learnt that there is a strong view within the parliamentary department related standing committee on Education, Women, Children, Youth and Sports Affairs that there is need for more wide ranging consultations on the proposed amendments including a study of the personal laws with regards to age of marriage and diverse traditions related to marriage among tribal communities.
In this backdrop it is significant that the committee which was supposed to give its report by January 24 has been granted a further extension for three months by Rajya Sabha chairman Jagdeep Dhankar, according to a parliamentary bulletin. Since the committee is now expected to examine the provisions of the Prohibition of Child Marriage (Amendment) Bill, 2021, and submit the report by April 24, it is clear that the report will not be tabled in Parliament in the upcoming budget session which begins on January 31 and is scheduled to end on April 6.
After the issue was referred to the parliamentary panel it was originally given three months till March last year to submit its report. It then it got an extension till June 24 which was extended till July and has since then got three months extensions thrice – first till October, then January and now till April 24.
The committee led by BJP MP in Rajya Sabha Vivek Thakur, who took charge as chairman after the re-constitution of the committee in September, is learnt to have held consultations with ministries of women and child development, minorities affairs, tribal affairs and labour on the subject and met with representatives from Unicef and UN Women.
According to sources Mumbai based Tata Institute of Social Sciences and Institute of Rural Management in Anand in Gujarat have been asked to study the subject from a grassroots perspective and provide inputs.
The Bill under scrutiny according to the government proposes to amend the Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, 2006, “to reinforce its application in relation to marriage; bring women at par with men in terms of marriageable age; prohibit child marriage; make consequential amendments to other laws relating to marriage; and other connected matters”.


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