TikTok’s fashion creators forge ahead in face of potential US ban


Lifestyle brand Urban Sophistication, whose puffer phone cases are popular on TikTok, use the app to reach new audiences. “Due to its algorithm we didn’t really count on it as a reliable communication channel to our current audience,” co-founder Elad Yam says. “So, a TikTok ban wouldn’t have much impact on our brand.” That said, it would leave them with only one big player in the social media space (Instagram) — “Never an ideal situation to be in,” he adds.

Though the fashion crowd shouldn’t rely solely on TikTok, learnings can help inform wider strategy. “I think the most important thing we’ve learned from TikTok is that there is a certain format and tone of content that resonates with Gen Z,” Julia Peterson, director of strategy at Archrival, says. “Brands and creators alike can take those learnings and apply them to their social presence on other channels.”

It might be considered a call to action. VSR, which first gained traction on TikTok, has already been diversifying, putting more energy into its Instagram account in particular (the brand reaches a higher per cent audience engagement on Instagram, despite having 232,000 followers on there versus 2 million on TikTok). “It’s up to you to not be at the mercy of any one platform,” Groenendijk says. “Otherwise you risk being deplatformed and not being able to cross-pollinate your existing audience.”

The changing marketing landscape

Though diversifying social strategy is a smart move, these conversations arise amid an increasingly fraught digital advertising landscape. Instagram is going ahead with plans to remove the Shop tab from its homepage in February following lower-than-expected engagement on the part of larger brands. Third-party data tracking is no longer a given, since Apple’s 2021 requirement for apps to ask users if they consent to having their data tracked. This disrupts apps’ ability to show users reliable targeted ads, meaning brands have less incentive to spend.

TikTok, on the other hand, offers cheaper ads with higher organic reach than its competitors. This is, in part, why its ad revenue is expected to surpass that of Instagram owner Meta and YouTube combined by 2027 — despite its uncertain future. The cost per click on TikTok is lower than Facebook or Instagram, says With Jéan co-founder Evangeline Titilas. “It is a platform where you can still spend little and achieve a big impact.” It’s especially useful for brands at the beginning of their content journey to gain traction, adds VSR’s Groenendijk.


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