WKU fashion students to volunteer at New York Fashion Week


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BOWLING GREEN, Ky.-Lights, camera, fashion.

“I mean this is New York Fashion Week, this is the key fashion week for the United States and one of the top 3 fashion weeks across the entire world,” said WKU Fashion Merchandising Program Instructor Seth Howard.

A group of fashion merchandising students at WKU are heading to the Big Apple.

They will serve as volunteers at fashion week in New York City next month.

“That’s definitely something I heard people talk about and I never really thought I’d be able to experience it firsthand, so definitely something I’ve been dreaming about for a while,” said Fashion Merchandising Junior Kathryn Beiter.

For the show on February 10, they’ll be assisting menswear presentations.

They could be doing anything from checking guests in for the shows, assisting designers showcasing their work, walking guests through the collection to point out design details and features- anything the agency needs them to do to have a smooth show.

“I’ve always found it very interesting to learn more about the behind the scenes, because we always see the runway, and everything in front of camera, but not behind the camera and see what’s behind the scenes so that’s going to be extremely exciting,” said Fashion Merchandising Junior Landen Minto.

The experience is exciting for them, a glimpse into a potential future. Howard hopes his students gain connections that could benefit them beyond graduation.

“They all have hopes and aspirations of working in the fashion industry once they graduate and this will be a really important step for them to get this first hand experience of doing it and developing relationships that may help them later down the road,” said Howard.


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