16-year-old raped by 5, killed; unrest in WB’s Jalpaiguri | Kolkata News


JALPAIGURI: A 16-year-old girl was allegedly raped by five local men and murdered at her house in Bullet Foroff Jalpaiguri city, on Saturday night, reports Pinak Priya Bhattacharya. One of the accused has been detained for questioning. Police said a medico-legal exami was being conducted to determine the cause of death.
According to the FIR lodged by the victim’s father, one of the accused called him and saidhis daughter had died. On rushing home, he found her dead on the floor bearing injury marks. “These local boys would often harass my daughter and taunt her. They were after her for a long time. I want to see them punished,”he said.
Hundreds ransacked the homes of the accused. Many protested at the police station demanding the accused’s arrest. Cops said the situation was under control, but tense.
(The victim’s identity has not been revealed to protect her privacy as per Supreme court directives on cases related to sexual assault)


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