Department of Transportation | Plan ahead and travel safely for your 2023 New Year Resolution


Plan ahead and travel safely for your 2023 New Year Resolution

Posted on Dec 30, 2022 in Highways News, Main, News

HONOLULU – The New Year is approaching, and the Hawaii Department of Transportation (HDOT) reminds the public to enter 2023 with good driving habits and to plan commutes ahead of time to get to your destinations.

“As a state we have overcome many obstacles together, including the pandemic,” Hawaii Department of Transportation Director, Ed Sniffen said. “Now let’s put an end to senseless acts of endangerment and begin 2023 on a positive path. Let’s focus on good driving behaviors, avoiding speeding, drunk/drugged driving, distracted driving, and running red lights.”

According to preliminary state data, nearly half of all drivers involved in fatal crashes in 2021 tested positive for having alcohol and/or drugs in their systems.  In an alarming trend, drug-impaired driving has been increasing in recent years, with more drivers involved in fatal crashes testing positive for having drugs in their systems – 19 percent in 2019, 25 percent in 2020, and 43 percent in 2021.  Hawaii’s attitudinal and behavior survey identified that of the 516 surveyed, individuals admitted to driving after consuming alcohol or using cannabis (21 percent and 15 percent, respectively).

Sniffen says, “There is no excuse for driving impaired when there are many other options available, such as designating a sober driver, using a rideshare service, leaving your keys at home, or staying where you are. Let’s make the responsible choice to not drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs, hold each other accountable, and help one another to get home safely.”

HDOT has implemented engineering countermeasures to support the efforts of safe traveling by installing No Right Turn on Red signs at intersections with a higher than average accident history, raised crosswalks, and red-light safety cameras.

To request a raised crosswalk on state roadways or report a highway problem, please fill out the following form

Preliminary year-to-date traffic fatalities are available at



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