Fashion designer Ron Dyce’s seamless transition from construction to high-end clothing


Soul mates or sole mates? Brooklynite Ronald Dyson found himself with quite the tab thanks to his wife’s predilection for designer shoes. But his partner’s spending habits also reawakened his own passion for fashion. After all, Dyson always boasted a talent for arts and design—he initially left New York to study architecture in Virginia. Ultimately, he ended up running a successful construction business. Dyson still operates that company today, but his dream to design fashion could not be denied.

“I decided, let me get back in touch [with the] fashion part of my passion—what I always wanted to do,” he said. “So I did the research. I started researching some of the major luxury designers, or the type of fabrics or different manufacturers that they use. Took me about three years prior to me really locking down what is the direction I wanted to go.”

In 2019, the self-taught Dyson rolled the dice with Ron Dyce, his fashion brand. Growing up in the church, he always wanted to make shoes with gilded soles to symbolize scripture about the heavenly streets paved with gold. Dyson found minor success, but the pandemic soon hit.

While others learned to bake or play an instrument, he grasped the complexities of intellectual property laws and secured a long-term patent for those gold-bottomed shoes. Dyson soon expanded into designing clothes, compelled by the tailored suits his late father always wore. He focused on women’s pieces and soon a few photoshoots put him on the map. A publicist took notice and Ron Dyce’s popularity exploded. Today, the brand’s Instagram @officialrondyce sits at more than 130,000 followers.

“From 2021 to date, I was published more than 100 times spanning over 60 fashion magazines in that short period of time, so it kind of caught on” said Dyson. “People love my designs and styles.”

Last year, he presented his women’s collection at New York Fashion Week thanks to the brand’s early success. This year, Dyson is running his own show on Feb. 12 in Brooklyn. He’s hoping to showcase his “ultimate collection,” which features all four seasons—it’s New York City, after all.


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