Google searches show Ohio’s top 7 New Year’s resolutions include travel, getting in shape and shoring up finances


CLEVELAND, Ohio – A new year, a new tab on your internet browser searching for the best way to accomplish your New Year’s resolutions.

According to Google Trends data using those search queries, Ohioans are focusing on health, finances and seeing new places in 2023.

After comparing more than 60 different resolutions and countless variations of each in Google found that the state was on the same page for seven behavior-changing activities for 2023, based on searches in the first week of January compared to the previous year.

While Google doesn’t offer the exact number of people who fulfilled search conditions, a privacy nightmare, it provides ways to compare search terms over time and to each other, based on the volume of searches in a particular time period.

Below are the seven resolutions, their Google Trends score, and which metropolitan area in Ohio showed the most interest in the resolution.

7. Gym membership

Google Trends score: 100 (Score range 0 to 100, with 100 meaning this time the peak time for this search term.)

Metro area with the greatest interest: Cleveland-Akron

Greater Cleveland, and the rest of Ohio, are looking to get fit in 2023. But this may be more than just a New Year’s resolution. Ohio searched for gym memberships more in the first week of 2023 than in nearly 20 years. Nationally, gym memberships have been searched more this January than at any other point in recorded Internet search history. The states searching for gym memberships most are Idaho, Minnesota, Arizona, Texas, and New Mexico.

This is the seventh most searched-for resolution in the state.

6. Recycle

Google Trends score: 98

Metro area with the greatest interest: Toledo

While the city of Cleveland has been retooling recycling throughout 2022, Toledo has expressed the most interest in recycling for the new year. Throughout the state, the last time people searched for “recycling” at this volume was April.

This is the sixth most searched-for resolution in the state.

5. Pay credit card

Google Trends score: 95

Metro area with the greatest interest: Dayton

With a year of severe inflation behind us and more predicted, Ohioans seem to be focusing on reducing their debt. The last time the query was searched this heavily was back in July.

This is the fifth most searched-for resolution in the state.

4. Lose Weight

Google Trends score: 84

Metro area with the greatest interest: Youngstown

The classic New Year’s resolution holds steady in Ohio, with more people searching on how to lose weight in the first week of January than in the last four months. This explains the gym memberships and diets. However, the lower trends score shows that people held more interest in losing weight earlier in the year, specifically during the summer.

This is the fourth most searched-for resolution in the state.

3. Yoga

Google Trends score: 100

Metro area with the greatest interest: Cleveland – Akron

This was the preferred method of exercise searched for by Ohioans, outclassing other activities like lifting weights and running. This seems to be a resurgence of interest, as the last time Google searches for yoga were this high in the state was in March 2019.

This is the third most searched-for resolution in the state.

2. Diet

Google Trends score: 97

Metro area with the greatest interest: Toledo

The final piece of any fitness routine is healthy eating, and Ohioans are looking for “diet” in general in the new year. Diet naturally goes hand-in-hand with “losing weight,” which is likely why the last time the word was searched heavily on Google was also the beginning of the summer. Other variations of diet like “healthy diet” have also seen similar trends.

This is the second most searched-for resolution in the state.

1. Travel

Google Trends score: 87

Metro area with the greatest interest: Columbus

This is the only resolution that Ohioans got a jump on in 2022. The last week in December had a slightly higher score of 88, but that was the highest score for the search term since May.

More people have searched-for travel than any other resolution.

About Google Trends

Google Trends data tracks what people are searching for when they use the Google search engine and from where they are conducting their searches.

For this analysis, the non-realtime data was leveraged to see search history samples over the last year and, in some cases, multiple years.

Comparison data determining the Google Trends score is calculated by the total searches of the geography and time range it represents to compare relative popularity, and then assigned a number between 0 to 100. A score of 100 means the search term is most popular during that time, while a low score means many people aren’t searching for that term at the moment.

Zachary Smith is the data reporter for and The Plain Dealer. See previous stories at this link.

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