India, France, UAE join hands to boost ties in defence, energy | India News


NEW DELHI: India, France and the UAE on Saturday announced a formal trilateral cooperation initiative with the aim of expanding cooperation in several area of mutual interest, including solar and nuclear energy. Significantly, acknowledging that defence is an area of close cooperation among the three countries, they said in a joint statement that efforts will be undertaken to further promote compatibility, and joint development and co-production, while seeking out avenues for further collaboration and training between the three countries’ defence forces.
The government said that a phone call between the foreign ministers of the three countries was to adopt a roadmap for the implementation of this initiative. “During this call, the three sides agreed that the trilateral initiative will serve as a forum to promote the design and execution of cooperation projects in the fields of energy, with a focus on solar and nuclear energy, as well as in the fight against climate change and the protection of biodiversity, particularly in the Indian Ocean region. For this purpose, the three countries will explore the possibility of working with the Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA) to pursue concrete, actionable projects on clean energy, the environment, and biodiversity,” said the joint statement. The trilateral initiative is seen as an acknowledgement of their shared desire to promote international stability and prosperity.
It was further noted that the trilateral initiative will serve as a platform to expand cooperation between the three countries’ development agencies on sustainable projects. “Furthermore, it was agreed that the three countries will seek to ensure greater alignment of their respective economic, technological, and social policies with the objectives of the Paris Agreement,” it said, adding in support of these endeavours, a range of trilateral events will be organised in the framework of the Indian Presidency of the G20 and the UAE’s hosting of COP-28 in 2023, respectively. The three countries will also seek to strengthen exchanges of views on emerging threats from diseases.


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