Just earlier today we reported that the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC), also known as the ‘Censor Board’, has passed the film Pathan and also given certification for its screening. However, it seems that the Gujarat multiplex owners continue to face trouble over the Shah Rukh Khan and Deepika Padukone starrer. The Gujarat Multiplex Association has claimed that fringe groups in the state continue to allegedly threaten them about screening the film in theatres during its release. In fact, the association has sought the help of the state government and has written a letter to them, seeking their intervention in the matter.
Pathaan Row: Gujarat Multiplex Association seeks government’s help after receiving threats over screening of the Shah Rukh Khan film
In the letter, the Gujarat Multiplex Association has explained about the direct and indirect threats that cinema halls have received, demanding them to refrain from screening Pathan. Readers would be aware that followed by the release of the song ‘Besharam Rang’a massive controversy erupted with many politicians and common public taking offense to the outfits worn by the leading stars Shah Rukh Khan and Deepika Padukone in the song. As per the letter submitted by the association, many exhibitors and cinema halls owners have expressed their concern for safety.
In a report published by India Today, the excerpts from the letter read, “There are many groups that are illegally targeting cinema exhibitors based on their own understanding and agendas by unlawfully threatening cinema exhibitors with dire consequences in terms of safety and security of their property, staff and movie-goers if certain movies are released. So, we request all kinds of support from your end regarding protecting (of) our properties and business interest.”
Furthermore, referring to how the CBFC has already cleared the certification of Pathanthe association also requested the groups to take up the matter with concerned authorities, instead of threatening the cinema exhibitors and multiplex owners.
Pathan is directed by Siddharth Anand and is produced by Yash Raj Films. The spy action entertainer also features John Abraham alongside Shah Rukh Khan and Deepika Padukone. The film is slated to release on January 25 in Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu.
More Pages: Pathaan Box Office Collection
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