Jenni Kayne Cooper Cardigan Review


Here at T&C, we pride ourselves on our discerning eye for quality. With Tried & Trueour editors will give you an inside look at the pieces they simply cannot live without.

The fashion girlies all know where we were when we saw the street style photo of Katie Holmes hailing a cab with her creamy cafe cardigan subtly draped off of her shoulder revealing her knit bra. The insouciance of it all. It was stylishly seared onto my brain. Fashion girly though I may be, though, I could never bring myself to fork over the nearly $1800 for the exact number, so I remained obsessed with the piece—and in search of the perfect substitute. And reader, I have found one: the Jenni Kayne Cooper Cardigan. Similar in shape and style, but much more wearable in reality.

A distinguishing factor, right out the gate, is that this piece is a bit more substantial than your average knit. Think of it as a midway between a cropped jacket and a sweater. It’s also structured and has a tailored feel, and yet, with its weight and cut, the piece still feels easy and relaxed. The effect on-body is a subtle hourglass sculpt, and then of course the elegant bell sleeves. It’s simply not your average cardi.

Cooper Cardigan

Cooper Cardigan

Some more details that I love: the crew neck and the buttons. More specifically, the neckline lays perfectly and is not flimsy, and the buttons are securely sewn on. It sounds cheesy, but those are the details of quality that you can literally feel. And sure, it’s 70 percent wool and 30 percent cashmere, but for my money, you’d be hard pressed to find a cashmere sweater in my closet that is both as soft and as warm, let alone timeless.

Of course, there are the endless ways to style it. I’ve worn it with suede leggings for a sleek yet put together look in a few minutes flat. I’ve also styled it over an easy dress. You can wear it with wide leg jeans, straight leg jeans, and skirts galore. It’s even styled on the Jenni Kayne site with a classic white button down underneath to a glorious effect. I surely plan on copying this.

The way I’d describe the Cooper Cardigan is a sweater that has modern ease blended with the classic structure and details of a Chanel jacket. It’s the 2023 sartorial hybrid that is essential for a fast paced life that requires as much unfussy comfort as it does style.

I love it so much that I’ve weeded out a few sweaters in my collection so that I can add the Cooper in its taupe colorway as well… and that’s saying a lot because I am neither a capsule wardrobe dresser nor someone who buys multiples of a style in different hues. Consider me a Cooper Cardigan fan girl—you’ll surely catch me wearing mine all through this winter.


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