NY vaccine mandate for health care workers struck down


WATERTOWN, New York (WWNY) – The state-wide COVID-19 vaccine mandate for healthcare workers has been struck down by a New York State Supreme Court Judge.

First reported by Syracuse.com, Judge Gerard Neri wrote in a ruling released Friday that Democratic Governor Kathy Hochul and the New York State Health Department overstepped their authority by mandating a vaccine that’s not included in New York State Public Health Law.

The mandate is “null, void, and of no effect,” the judge said. He sided with Medical Professionals for Informed Consent, a group of medical workers impacted by the vaccination mandate.

The mandate protects people most at-risk for serious symptoms and the people who care for them, the state health agency said in a statement to The Associated Press.

“The requirement is a critical public health tool,” the agency said. “The State Health Department strongly disagrees with the judge’s decision and is exploring its options.”


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